
New Kolbert Volume Addresses Value of Human Efforts To Control Nature

When engineers reversed the Chicago River, they also upended a hydrologic system that years later required electrification to repel an invasive species threatening a major fishery. This is but one example from the latest book by New Yorker writer Elizabeth Kolbert of the unintended consequences of human actions to dominate nature that may solve one problem only to create another. BookShelf contributor Gary Wilson has a review.

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December 1, 2022

Webinar: How To Cover the Illegal Wildlife Trade

In Mongabay's latest webinar, expert panelists who have worked with National Geographic, the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and more will discuss cybercrime and online marketplaces, poaching, pandemic effects, legal loopholes and other important topics related to the illegal wildlife trade. 11am ET.


"Court to Reconsider Trump-Era Decision That Favored Alaska Road Project"

"A federal appeals court has vacated a ruling that would have helped to clear the way for a project to build a road through a national wildlife refuge in Alaska. The court said it would rehear the case, which involves a land swap that was approved by the Trump administration."

Source: NYTimes, 11/14/2022

"New Wisconsin Wolf Plan Eliminates State Population Goal"

"Wisconsin wildlife officials on Thursday released their first new wolf management plan in almost a quarter-century but the document doesn’t establish a new statewide population goal, a number that has become a flashpoint in the fight over hunting quotas."

Source: AP, 11/11/2022

"Will CITES Finally Act To Protect Rosewood This Month? (Commentary)"

"CITES COP-19 starts in mid-November 2022 and is likely going to be a decisive meeting for the protection of species such as rosewood.

Both CITES and Madagascar have banned the export of rosewood and ebony, but there appears to be no end to the illegal trade, and the fate of nearly 40,000 illegally-exported rosewood logs seized in Singapore, Kenya and Sri Lanka in 2014 is still uncertain.

Source: Mongabay, 11/08/2022

Climate Change Threatening ‘Things Americans Value Most’ -- U.S. Report

"Climate change is unleashing “far-reaching and worsening” calamities in every region of the United States, and the economic and human toll will only increase unless humans move faster to slow the planet’s warming, according to a sprawling new federal report released Monday.

Source: Washington Post, 11/08/2022

Bird Migration Explorer Can Help Hatch Environmental Stories

A new data mapper that allows users to track bird migrations is a cache of ideas for journalists looking to illustrate the connections between birds, habitats and human activity. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox takes a (non-geeky) look at the Bird Migration Explorer, how to best use it and the range of story possibilities it may yield.

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