
"Amphibian Crisis: 41% Of Species Deemed Threatened With Extinction"

"Earth's amphibians - from the thorny spike-thumb frog to the red knobby newt, West African giant squeaker, ornate tree toad and fire salamander - are being pushed closer to the brink due to habitat destruction, disease and climate change, with 41% of species now threatened with extinction."

Source: Reuters, 10/05/2023

Ken Burns Talks Heartbreak & Hope Of ‘The American Buffalo,’ His New Doc

"Mongabay’s Liz Kimbrough spoke with documentary filmmaker Ken Burns about his upcoming documentary, “The American Buffalo,” which premieres in mid-October.

The buffalo was nearly driven to extinction in the late 1800s, with the population declining from more than 30 million to less than 1,000, devastating Native American tribes who depended on the buffalo as their main source of food, shelter, clothing and more.

The film explores both the tragic near-extinction of the buffalo as well as the story of how conservation efforts brought the species back from the brink.

Source: Mongabay, 10/04/2023
October 26, 2023

Webinar: How To Cover Conservation Technology

Conservation technology is a constantly evolving field with new and improved methods for tracking, tracing and cataloging wildlife. Mongabay's latest webinar aims to simplify the latest trends and give reporters story tips and important guidance for their reporting. 10:00 a.m. EDT.


"Fat Bear Week 2023 Is Upon Us. Here’s What You Need To Know."

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year — Fat Bear Week 2023 is here. The annual competition, hosted by the Katmai National Park and Preserve, pits brown bears against each other in a virtual bracket as they stock up for hibernation."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/03/2023

"Barely Making It: A Conversation With ‘Eight Bears’ Author Gloria Dickie"

"Despite the conservation gains made by iconic bear species like the giant panda and the brown bear, most bear species remain at risk." "Gloria Dickie is an award-winning journalist who has documented the state of the world’s eight remaining bear species in a compelling new book, “Eight Bears: Mythic Past and Imperiled Future.”


Source: Mongabay, 09/28/2023


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