Water & Oceans

Report: Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution Remains Serious Threat

The USGS study used data from thousands of locations to analyze trends from 1992 to 2004. You can probably find many local and regional stories as these pollutants contribute to various environmental and human health problems.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Water Use in Southwest Heads for a Day of Reckoning"

"A once-unthinkable day is looming on the Colorado River. Barring a sudden end to the Southwest’s 11-year drought, the distribution of the river’s dwindling bounty is likely to be reordered as early as next year because the flow of water cannot keep pace with the region’s demands."

Source: NYTimes, 09/28/2010
October 18, 2010 to October 19, 2010

Great Lakes Water Conservation Conference

This event brings together craft brewers, cheese makers, and policy makers in water conservation, to discuss best practices for water savings in Madison, WI.

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