
"Exclusive: U.S. EPA To Consider Tougher Emissions Rules For Heavy Trucks"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will consider adopting more stringent greenhouse gas emissions rules for heavy trucks after Congress passed new incentives to speed the adoption of zero-emission vehicles, the agency told Reuters."

Source: Reuters, 09/22/2022

"GOP’s Bad Blood Threatens Manchin Side Deal"

"Senate Republicans are threatening to sink Sen. Joe Manchin’s side deal on permitting reform, partly because they are still angry over the West Virginia Democrat’s flip-flop on the sweeping climate, health and tax bill that Congress passed last month."

Source: The Hill, 09/20/2022

Biden Goes To Detroit, Pledges Electrification

"President Biden extolled the potential of electric vehicles to boost the economy and reduce America’s contribution to climate change, and sought to ease worries about the reliability of EV technology, during a speech at the Detroit Auto Show on Wednesday."

Source: Washington Post, 09/15/2022

Burgeoning National EV Trend Helps Drive Local Environment, Climate Stories

The auto market is getting supercharged by California’s recent decision to require all-electric vehicle sales in a little over a decade. The latest TipSheet looks at how this big national trend will affect climate change by cutting CO2 emissions, how California came to have such an outsized impact on the U.S. market and how local environmental reporters can plug in for stories around their communities.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"States Ride Shotgun With California to Rev Up Clean Cars Rules"

"Nearly one-third of states are poised to adopt California’s new clean cars rule to fully phase out new gas-powered vehicle sales by 2035. The change could have a sweeping impact on the 17 states signed onto California’s vehicle standards and the car market across the country. In total, those states make up roughly 40% of nationwide auto sales."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/02/2022

"California’s 2035 Ban On New Gas-Powered Cars Set To Apply To Virginia"

"California’s decision to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035 will also halt the sale of such vehicles in Virginia due to a 2021 law linking the commonwealth to the western state’s vehicle emissions standards, state attorneys have concluded."

Source: Virginia Mercury, 08/31/2022

"Over Caves and Over Budget, Mexico’s Train Project Barrels Toward Disaster"

"Pitched as a way to develop the country’s poorest region, the Maya Train is threatened by a ballooning budget and rushed construction over fragile terrain. But Mexico’s president has refused to slow it down."

Source: NYTimes, 08/30/2022


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