
“The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think”

Bird brains, despite the dictum, are anything but deficient. In fact, a new book by science and nature writer Jennifer Ackerman reveals how scientists, driven by rising diversity in their own ranks and by the leverage of new technologies, are gaining a dramatically new understanding of the complexities of bird behavior. BookShelf has a review of “The Bird Way.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

Visiting Charred Calif., Trump Confronts Scientific Reality He Denies

"When President Trump flies to California on Monday to assess the state’s raging forest fires, he will come face to face with the grim consequences of a reality he has stubbornly refused to accept: the devastating effects of a warming planet."

Source: NYTimes, 09/14/2020

Secret Recording Reveals Oil Execs’ Private Views on Climate Change

"Last summer, oil and gas-industry groups were lobbying to overturn federal rules on leaks of natural gas, a major contributor to climate change. Their message: The companies had emissions under control. In private, the lobbyists were saying something very different."

Source: NYTimes, 09/14/2020

"Trump Officials Interfered With CDC Reports On Covid-19"

"The health department’s politically appointed communications aides have demanded the right to review and seek changes to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s weekly scientific reports charting the progress of the coronavirus pandemic, in what officials characterized as an attempt to intimidate the reports’ authors and water down their communications to health professionals."

Source: Politico, 09/14/2020

Sunrise Movement Unveils 2020 Endorsements To Defeat Climate Deniers

"The Sunrise Movement, the youth-powered climate activist group, is putting its organizing skills to the test against climate-change-denying Republicans by unveiling a slate of congressional endorsements — several in the nation’s most contested districts this election cycle."

Source: HuffPost, 09/11/2020

"FDA Chief Spokesperson Removed After Convalescent Plasma Debacle"

"The Food and Drug Administration’s chief spokeswoman, who has been in the job less than two weeks, was removed from her role as of noon Friday, part of continued fallout from a White House news conference featuring inaccurate claims that convalescent plasma dramatically reduced mortality for patients with covid-19."

Source: Washington Post, 08/31/2020

White House Overrules CDC Experts To Ease Testing Guidelines

"An abrupt shift this week in government testing guidelines for Americans exposed to the novel coronavirus was directed by the White House’s coronavirus task force, alarming outside public health experts who warn the change could hasten the disease’s spread."

Source: Washington Post, 08/27/2020


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