
"Big Tech Helps Big Oil Spread Subtle Climate Denialism"

"Fossil-fuel companies’ climate messaging may have changed to fit the new century, but the goal is the same the industry has had for  decades: to delay action and protect profits for as long as possible. Even in the face of an increasingly obvious climate emergency, this message still resonates with many people. Maybe that’s because the biggest social media companies help amplify it."

Source: Bloomberg, 01/24/2023
February 1, 2024

DEADLINE: NASW Excellence in Institutional Writing Awards

The National Association of Science Writers annually awards cash prizes for high-caliber, publicly accessible science writing produced on behalf of an institution or other non-media organization. Open to all and free for NASW members. Deadline is Feb 1 annually.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 12, 2024

DEADLINE: NASW Peggy Girshman Idea Grants

The National Association of Science Writers invites proposals from individuals or groups for grants of up to $15,000 to support projects and programs that will help science writers in their professional lives or benefit the field of science writing. NASW membership not required. Deadline for this round is Feb 12, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Exxon Scientists Predicted Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts: Study

"In the late 1970s, scientists at Exxon fitted one of the company’s supertankers with state-of-the-art equipment to measure carbon dioxide in the ocean and in the air, an early example of substantial research the oil giant conducted into the science of climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 01/13/2023

"Oceans Surged To Another Record-High Temperature In 2022"

"The amount of excess heat buried in the planet’s oceans, a strong marker of climate change, reached a record high in 2022, reflecting more stored heat energy than in any year since reliable measurements were available in the late 1950s, a group of scientists reported Wednesday."

Source: Washington Post, 01/12/2023


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