
22ava Conferencia Anual de SEJ en Lubbock, Texas, Oct. 17-21, 2012

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones a la conferencia de SEJ de 2012. No espere. Inscríbase ya para escoger entre los siempre populares tours, el excelente taller para escritores freelance, y otros eventos de asistencia limitada. Nuestro anfitrión este año es Texas Tech University, y el director de la conferencia es Randy Lee Loftis, veterano escritor del diario Dallas Morning News. Lea el borrador de la agenda, las opciones de alojamiento y transporte, halle con quién compartir la habitación, y más. © Foto: Palo Duro Canyon State Park (apodado “el Gran Cañón de Texas”, y lugar del Tour 6 del jueves), cortesía de Earl Nottingham/Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.


Directory of Open Access Journals a Boon for Environmental Reporters

The rebellion against commercial and subscription-only publishers over public access to articles based on taxpayer-funded research is gaining ground. The Directory — free, searchable and online — already includes some 819742, full-text, scientific or scholarly articles in 7885 journals.

SEJ Publication Types: 
August 1, 2025

DEADLINE: AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards

 The American Association for the Advancement of Science awards recognize outstanding reporting for a general audience and honor individuals for their coverage of the sciences, engineering and mathematics. Entries are accepted from journalists worldwide in all categories. Cash prizes. Deadline: Aug 1 annually.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Craig Venter’s Bugs Might Save the World"

"In the menagerie of Craig Venter’s imagination, tiny bugs will save the world. They will be custom bugs, designer bugs -- bugs that only Venter can create. He will mix them up in his private laboratory from bits and pieces of DNA, and then he will release them into the air and the water, into smokestacks and oil spills, hospitals and factories and your house. "

Source: NY Times Magazine, 06/05/2012


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