
"Is Coal Dust Risky? Scientists Are Looking Into It"

"Coal has been transported around the country by rail for decades. But very little research has been done on what coal does to the environment when it escapes from trains.With two large coal export terminals proposed for Washington state, one federal agency is hoping to add good science to the debate over coal in the Northwest."

Source: NWPR/EarthFix, 09/19/2014
September 25, 2014

Illegal Gold Mining, Mercury Contamination and Deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon

This Bay Area Tropical Forest Network event takes place at 6pm on the Stanford Campus. Speaker Luis Fernandez, a tropical ecologist at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology and director of the Carnegie Amazon Mercury Project, will discuss the dynamics that have made artisanal gold mining both the primary driver of deforestation in the Western Amazon and the number one source of anthropogenic mercury in the world today, and describe its effects on forests, wildlife and humans.


"Dead Zones Haunt Green Bay as Manure Fuels Algae Blooms"

"Nearly 400 years after French voyageur Jean Nicolet arrived with a bang on the banks of lower Green Bay — he fired two pistols skyward to announce the white man's arrival in the world's largest freshwater estuary — the same stretch of shoreline was the scene of another fateful landing."

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 09/16/2014


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