
Maryland Moves Toward Suing Oil Industry on Ground Water Contamination

"Following the lead of several other states, Maryland is preparing to sue the oil industry for the costs of cleaning up a one-time gasoline additive that’s contaminated   water across the state."

Source: Bay Journal, 01/29/2016

"Another Town Gripped By Fear Over Lead-Tainted Tap Water"

"SEBRING, Ohio — In a furor with echoes of the crisis in Flint, Michigan, parents in and around Sebring no longer trust the water coming out of their taps — or the explanations from community leaders — after learning just days ago that high levels of lead were detected in some homes over the summer."

Source: AP, 01/28/2016

Michigan Governor Names Panel To Fix Flint's Contaminated Water System

"Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on Wednesday appointed a group of government officials, health and other experts to implement long-term fixes for Flint's lead-contaminated water system, which has become a national scandal."

Source: Reuters, 01/28/2016

"When A Chicken Farm Moves Next Door, Odor May Not Be The Only Problem"

"North Carolina is one of the country's largest poultry producers — and getting bigger. Large-scale chicken farms are spreading across the state. Government regulations have allowed these farms to get much closer to where people live. That's not just a nuisance. Neighbors say it's also a potential health hazard."

Source: NPR, 01/27/2016

"When the Water Turned Brown"

"FLINT, Mich. — Standing at a microphone in September holding up a baby bottle, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a local pediatrician, said she was deeply worried about the water. The number of Flint children with elevated levels of lead in their blood had risen alarmingly since the city changed its water supply the previous year, her analysis showed."

Source: NY Times, 01/25/2016


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