
"Widely Used U.S. Farm Chemical Atrazine May Threaten Animals: EPA"

"One of the most popular herbicides in U.S. agriculture can be dangerous to animals and fish and leaves behind worrisome residue levels, the Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday in a draft report that sparked outrage among farmers."

Source: Reuters, 06/06/2016

"Oregon Oil-Train Crash Damaged Town's Water And Sewer Systems"

"An oil-train derailment and fire has damaged essential city services in a small Oregon town, authorities said Sunday. The Mosier waste water treatment plant and sewer system are not operational as a result of the derailment Friday of 16 of the 96 tank cars on a Union Pacific train. A fire in four of the cars was extinguished Saturday morning."

Source: AP, 06/06/2016

"Coal Ash Cleanup At Grainger Site Results In Cleaner Groundwater"

"COLUMBIA, SC --  Since a power company began digging up coal ash from a leaking waste pond west of Myrtle Beach, arsenic levels have dropped dramatically in groundwater, according to an environmental group that pushed to have the ash removed."

Source: Columbia State, 06/03/2016

In Alabama, 100,000 People Told Not To Drink Water Due To Contamination

"A water provider in northern Alabama warned more than 100,000 customers on Thursday not to drink or cook with tap water, saying it could be contaminated with potentially dangerous levels of a chemical that federal health officials have linked to cancer, according to local media reports."

Source: Reuters, 06/03/2016

"Scientists Just Discovered Dozens Of New Sources Of Air Pollution"

"Scientists may have significantly underestimated a dangerous source of pollution in the atmosphere, new research suggests. A satellite study, published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience, has revealed nearly 40 previously unreported major sources of sulfur dioxide emissions — a pollutant that can cause multiple harmful health and environmental impacts and even exacerbate global warming."

Source: Wash Post, 06/01/2016

"Canada, U.S. Warn of Eight Chemicals in Great Lakes"

"Canada and the United States have identified eight substances in the water of the Great Lakes as chemicals of mutual concern under the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. These chemicals are potentially harmful to human health or the environment or both."

Source: ENS, 06/01/2016

Scant Accountability For Officials in Calif. Exide Lead Contamination

"California officials have talked tough about the contamination of up to 10,000 homes with lead from a battery recycling plant, calling it a regulatory failure, an environmental injustice and a public health disaster. Yet accountability for years of pollution by Exide Technologies has been scant."

Source: LA Times, 05/31/2016


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