
"Hidden, Abandoned, Dangerous: Old Gas And Oil Wells In Neighborhoods"

"In many parts of the country, areas that are now full of houses and schools and shopping centers were once oil and gas fields. You wouldn't know it by looking, but hidden underground, there are millions of abandoned wells. New development happening on top of those old wells can create a dangerous situation."

Source: NPR, 05/30/2016

Texas: "State Removes Oil Spill Photos From Public View"

"AUSTIN, Texas — The state has removed aerial-surveillance photos taken during severe floods from a public website. The decision comes after the El Paso Times earlier this month published a story with dozens of such photos showing apparent oil spills in different river systems over the past few years."

Source: El Paso Times, 05/30/2016

Officials: 'Dirt Brokers' With Mob Ties Dumped Polluted Soil Across NJ

"'Rogue dirt brokers' with mob ties and criminal histories used fake documents to haul hundreds of truckloads of tainted soil and construction debris that were then dumped illegally onto environmentally sensitive sites in New Jersey, state investigators alleged Wednesday."

Source: Bergen Record, 05/27/2016

Oil Sands Found To Be A Leading Source Of Air Pollution In N. America

"A cloud of noxious particles brewing in the air above the Alberta oil sands is one of the most prolific sources of air pollution in North America, often exceeding the total emissions from Canada’s largest city, federal scientists have discovered."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 05/27/2016


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