
Small New Mexico Communities Struggle To Deliver Water Free Of Uranium

"Eloy Jacquez lives in the house his parents built on Los Lujans Road in 1948. There was no water in Santa Cruz then. The family waited several more years before the first well was drilled just up the street, next to land used as an informal waste dump."

Source: Santa Fe New Mexican, 07/31/2017

"The Tricked-Out Research Planes That Fly Through Wildfires"

"The only way to know exactly what’s in a wildfire’s smoke is to sample straight from the haze. So during the Rim Fire in Yosemite—which emitted so much smoke it formed its own clouds—a NASA DC-8 passenger plane and an Alpha fighter jet each crisscrossed through the plume. On both planes, scientists had created an in-flight lab to measure exactly what the fire was producing."

Source: WIRED, 07/28/2017


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