
"Chesapeake Bay 'Dead Zone' Could Be Largest In Decades, Scientists Say"

"An area of little to no oxygen could pose a threat to marine life in the Chesapeake Bay this summer. Ecologists from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and the University of Michigan predict the "dead zone" could be about 2.1 cubic miles — making it one of the largest in the past 20 years."

Source: Salisbury Daily Times, 06/24/2019

Wilderness Society Sues Trump Administration To Get Mine Rule Docs

"The Wilderness Society is suing the Trump administration to try to force the release of documents on its decision to lift restrictions on mining upstream from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota."

Source: AP, 06/21/2019

Database Helps Track PFAS Drinking Water Contamination

Millions of people across the United States are believed to be drinking PFAS-contaminated water. And a growing database could prove an invaluable resource for environmental journalists trying to get a handle on that public health risk. Our latest biweekly Reporter’s Toolbox, recently refocused on data journalism tools and techniques, explains how to tap the expanding PFAS data.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Newly Released Documents Detail EPA’s Concerns Over PolyMet"

"Documents that the federal Environmental Protection Agency tried to keep confidential show that its staffers criticized how Minnesota regulators drafted a key permit for the planned PolyMet copper-nickel mine, and concluded that the permit would violate federal law because it lacked pollution limits based on the state’s water quality standards."

Source: AP, 06/17/2019

"Clean Water Act: Confusion Reigns At WOTUS Hearing"

"Senators at a Clean Water Act hearing expressed interest in reopening the law to clarify which wetlands and waterways it protects. But that effort would likely be stymied by the fact that participants in the Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, including ranking member Tom Carper (D-Del.), expressed confusion over basic concepts of Clean Water Act jurisdiction."

Source: E&E Daily, 06/14/2019

"Prosecutors Drop Flint Water Charges, Promise Fresh Probe"

"Prosecutors dropped all criminal charges Thursday against eight people in the Flint water crisis and pledged to start from scratch the investigation into one of the worst man-made environmental disasters in U.S. history."

Source: AP, 06/14/2019


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