People & Population

"Hurricane Katrina Propels Jackson's Justice Quest at EPA"

"More than four years after Hurricane Katrina, the single-story brick rancher in Pontchartrain Park where Lisa Perez Jackson grew up stands empty. ...The storm's toll on Jackson's childhood house and on New Orleans, particularly the Ninth Ward where she was raised, has intensified her quest for what's known as environmental justice."

Source: AP, 01/08/2010

"Harvesting Fog Provides Drinking Water, Food to Peruvian Slums"

"In Lima, Peru, more than 1.3 million people have no access to drinking water. The citizens without it are in the poorest areas, where water trucked in can cost nine times as much as it does in richer areas. So, citizens have had to either make do without running water, or, with the help of a German NGO, make dew into drinking water."

Source: TreeHugger, 11/13/2009


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