People & Population

‘Our Culture Is Dying’: Rising Waters Menace More Than Land In Louisiana

"THIBODAUX, Louisiana --  Louise St. Pierre paints pictures of shacks and swamps on the insides of oyster shells – tiny scenes of Cajun culture she sees washing away amid the rising saltwater and periodic floods inundating southern Louisiana."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn, 07/06/2017

Climate Change Will Hit Southern Poor Hardest, Economic Analysis Shows

"Without effective action to bend the upward curve of greenhouse gas emissions, parts of the American South could experience more than a 20 percent drop in economic activity due to global warming by the end of the century, according to a new analysis of the regional economic risks of climate change."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/30/2017

Fighting Climate Change a Lonely Battle in Oil Country, Esp. for a Kid

"RAYNE, Louisiana — As far back as Jayden Foytlin can remember, her cousin Madison came over to celebrate her birthday. The girls had been best friends since they were toddlers and spent nearly every weekend together, playing video games and basketball in their driveways."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/14/2017


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