Nuclear Power & Radiation

Radioactivity Found in PA Creek, Illegal Fracking Waste Suspected

"Recently released testing results in western Pennsylvania, upstream from Pittsburgh, reveal evidence of radioactive contamination in water flowing from an abandoned mine. Experts say that the radioactive materials may have come from illegal dumping of shale fracking wastewater."

Source: DeSmogBlog, 08/21/2015

Secret Congressional Background Reports Leak Again; Debate Continues

Here are some recently leaked CRS reports of relevance to environmental journalists, as well as the latest on the debate following the NYT editorial calling for the reports to be made public.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"‘Los Alamos Will Never Be Clean’"

"A dirt trail shaded by ponderosa pines drops down the slope of this small canyon below the Los Alamos Nature Center and a recreation center. The canyon became a dumping ground during the Manhattan Project. Old pipes, washing machines, culverts and other debris from the era were tossed into the canyon by nearby homeowners and Los Alamos National Laboratory staff."

Source: Santa Fe New Mexican, 07/15/2015

"Iran Nuclear Deal Is Reached After Long Negotiations"

"VIENNA — Iran and a group of six nations led by the United States have agreed to a historic accord to significantly limit Tehran’s nuclear ability for more than a decade in return for lifting international oil and financial sanctions against Iran, a senior Western diplomat involved in the negotiations said on Tuesday."

Source: NY Times, 07/14/2015


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