
"First Ever Biosafety Report Details 199 Mishaps With Toxic Agents"

"The Federal Select Agent Program, which oversees dangerous substances such as anthrax and bird flu in federal, academic and private labs, reported 199 incidents in which lab workers were potentially exposed to infectious or toxic agents in 2015, though there were no losses of select agents."

Source: Reuters, 07/06/2016

"Drinking Water: EPA Unveils Guidelines For Post-Nuclear Accident"

"U.S. EPA has issued its first-ever guidance on contamination in drinking water in the wake of a nuclear disaster, 'dirty bomb' or other radiological accident, drawing criticism from public health and environmental groups."

Source: E&E News PM, 06/08/2016

"Vets Hit VA With Federal Lawsuit Over Camp Lejeune Water Poisoning"

"The quest for answers for thousands of veterans sickened -- in some cases terminally -- by contaminated water at Camp Lejuene has been stymied by a federal agency that refuses to hand over key documents, attorneys from Yale Law School charged Wednesday."

Source: Fox, 04/29/2016


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