
"Oil Industry Stirs Blowback After Weaving War Into U.S. Lobbying"

Industry executives and their allies on Capitol Hill are citing the war in a push for long-sought policy goals such as pipeline approvals, expanded exports of natural gas and more drilling rights -- even as the White House says companies aren’t making full use of the permits they already have."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/02/2022

US Oil Industry Leaps On Invasion Of Ukraine To Argue For More Drilling

"The US oil and gas industry is using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to pressure the Biden administration to throw open more land and ocean for domestic drilling and to loosen regulations for large companies attempting to ramp up their fossil fuel extraction."

Source: Guardian, 02/28/2022

"Russian Forces Take Chernobyl Zone, Ukraine Says, Raising Fears"

"Ukrainian authorities said Thursday that Russian forces have captured the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the scene of a 1986 meltdown that sent a radioactive cloud over parts of Europe and left a no man’s land of contaminated soil and other fallout, which remains dangerous."

Source: Washington Post, 02/25/2022


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