Laws & Regulations

"Exxon: Charges Of Lying About Climate Change Are 'Preposterous'"

"ExxonMobil Corp. is fighting a subpoena request by the US Virgin Islands, which is claiming that the oil company could have violated the territory's anti-racketeering law by knowingly misleading the government and the public about the likelihood that its fossil fuel business impacted climate change and thus defrauding them. But Exxon vehemently opposes the notion that it knew about climate change before the rest of the world did."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 04/15/2016

Great Lakes Oil Pipeline in Violation of Operating Agreement: Groups

"Michigan urged to terminate Line 5 crossing in the Straits of Mackinac."

"Twin, 63-year-old oil pipelines crossing beneath the waters that connect Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are currently out of compliance with the state agreement that allows their existence, according to a letter and memorandum sent Wednesday by 22 environmental and tribal groups to Michigan’s governor and attorney general.

Source: Circle of Blue, 04/14/2016

Federal Judge Says Court Should Not Dismiss Youths’ Climate Change Suit

"A federal magistrate judge in Eugene said Friday that a potential landmark lawsuit filed against the U.S. government by a group of environmentally minded youth plaintiffs and a leading climate scientist should be allowed to proceed in court."

Source: Eugene Register-Guard, 04/12/2016

WA State Seeks Millions In Damages From Grocery Manufacturers In Trial

"The [Washington] state attorney general's office is taking a powerful Washington, D.C., lobby, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, to court, seeking damages over money laundering in a 2013 initiative campaign."

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 04/12/2016


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