Laws & Regulations

Maryland Hospitals Grapple With Health Fallout Of Medical Waste Incineration

"Maryland’s largest health systems are under pressure to cut their dealings with an incinerator that has a history of environmental violations."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/28/2024

"‘New Territory’ for Americans: Deadly Heat in the Workplace"

"In the coming months, this team of roughly 30 people at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is expected to propose a new rule that would require employers to protect an estimated 50 million people exposed to high temperatures while they work."

Source: NYTimes, 05/28/2024

"Can Trump Really Slam the Brakes on Electric Vehicles?"

"Donald J. Trump is crystal clear about his disdain for electric vehicles. The former president has falsely claimed electric cars don’t work, promised to shred President Biden’s policies that encourage E.V. manufacturing and sales, and has said he would slap a “100 percent tariff” on electric cars imported from Mexico if he retakes the White House."

Source: NYTimes, 05/28/2024

"What’s At Stake For The Environment In Mexico’s Upcoming Election?"

"Mexico will hold elections on June 2 that are likely to shape the country for years to come. In addition to president, all 500 deputies in the lower house of Congress and all 128 seats in the Senate are on the ballot. The winners will have to reckon with a host of pressing environmental concerns that range from renewable energy and mining to access to clean water and infrastructure."

Source: Mongabay, 05/28/2024

Native American Tribes Approve Proposal Securing Colorado River Water

"The Navajo Nation Council has signed off on a proposed settlement that would ensure water rights for its tribe and two others in the drought-stricken Southwest -- a deal that could become the most expensive enacted by Congress."

Source: AP, 05/24/2024

House GOP Farm Bill ‘Robs Peter To Pay Paul,’ Agriculture Secretary Says

"The House Agriculture committee is trying to fund its farm bill proposals with “counterfeit money,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters Wednesday morning. Vilsack spoke after a range of groups from across the political spectrum criticized House Republicans’ proposed farm bill, which seeks to direct tens of billions to subsidies for farmers of peanuts, rice and cotton."

Source: The Hill, 05/24/2024

"EPA Formally Denies Alabama’s Plan for Coal Ash Waste"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has formally denied Alabama’s plan to allow Alabama Power and other utilities to continue storing toxic coal ash in unlined pits at sites across the state."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/24/2024


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