Natural Resources

Kew’s ‘State of the World’s Plants and Fungi’ Report Warns Of Extinctions

"The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’s “State of the World’s Plants and Fungi” report assesses our current knowledge of plants and fungal diversity, the threats they face and how to protect them. The report warns that many plant and fungal species, 45% of documented flowering plants and half of all analyzed fungi risk extinction (though less than 0.4% of identified fungi have been assessed for extinction to date)."

Source: Mongabay, 10/12/2023

Fungal Networks Could Help Make The Planet More Resilient To Climate Change

"A team of scientists loaded into a gray minivan in this capital city earlier this year and drove for hundreds of miles west through the Kazakh steppe — a vast region marked by endless open plains of grass, abandoned farms and flower-filled meadows."

Source: Washington Post, 10/11/2023

Tensions Rise in Rio Grande Basin as Mexico Lags in Water Deliveries to US

"In 2020, rebellious Mexican farmers occupied a dam in parched Chihuahua state to prevent the federal government from sending its reservoir water to Texas under a 1944 treaty. With the clock ticking toward another treaty deadline, the two sides are struggling for a solution."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/11/2023

"How Incarcerated People Are Helping To Restore A Fragile Ecosystem"

"In prisons across Western states, incarcerated people are raising tens of thousands of plants to restore sagebrush habitat, a vanishing ecosystem home to the iconic endangered greater sage-grouse and hundreds of other species."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 10/10/2023

‘Without Water, There Is No Life’: Drought In Brazil’s Amazon

"Communities dependent on the Amazon rainforest’s waterways are stranded without supply of fuel, food or filtered water. Dozens of river dolphins perished and washed up on shore. And thousands of lifeless fish float on the water’s surface."

Source: AP, 10/10/2023

"Mega CAFOs on the Chesapeake"

"Chicken farms housing millions of animals threaten a fragile ecology"

"On a drizzly day in May, Maria Payan walked along a country road in Somerset County, Maryland, near her home. On one side of the road was a white house with a peaked roof and an American flag flying from the porch; a ride-on toy tractor was parked by the front steps. On the other, a row of six long, windowless metal buildings housed tens of thousands of chickens. “Oh, the smell is so bad,” Payan said. “Can you imagine living with this every day?”

Source: Sierra, 10/09/2023


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