Natural Resources

"Water Treaty Between Mexico And U.S. Faces Biggest Test In 80 Years"

"Eighty years ago, the United States and Mexico worked out an arrangement to share water from the two major rivers that run through both countries: the Rio Grande and the Colorado. The treaty was created when water wasn't as scarce as it is now."

Source: NPR, 08/20/2024

Watchdogs Warn Of Plutonium Contamination In Los Alamos’ Acid Canyon

"Watchdogs are raising new concerns about legacy contamination in Los Alamos, the birthplace of the atomic bomb and home to a renewed effort to manufacture key components for nuclear weapons."

Source: AP, 08/20/2024

The Battle To Protect Congo’s Vast Peatlands

The Congo Basin is home to the biggest network of tropical peatlands in the world, a vast carbon storehouse central to combating the challenge of climate change. A team of reporters made the journey to this little-covered region and returned with an award-winning feature that told the tale not just of the peatlands, but of the people that protect it. The latest Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"How The World’s Last Wild Red Wolves Are Avoiding Extinction"

"ALLIGATOR RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, N.C. — In April, the latest glimmer of hope appeared here in the only spot on Earth where endangered red wolves remain in the wild. Five pups were born to a pair of wolves — a female known as 2413, and a male known as 2444 — marking the third year in a row that at least one new litter began life in this corner of coastal North Carolina."

Source: Washington Post, 08/16/2024

As Millions of Acres Burn, Firefighters Say USFS Has Left Them With Shortages

"The agency recently said that it had reached 101% of its firefighter hiring goal for 2024, but those on the front lines say the agency is understating how badly depleted their ranks are, especially for experienced firefighters."

Source: ProPublica, 08/16/2024

"Plastic Pellets Known As “Nurdles” Are Accumulating Along Texas Coasts"

"On a humid summer afternoon in July, about 40 minutes from Houston, children are running up and down the Texas coastline of Sylvan Beach. Families make camps for the day with coolers filled with drinks and snacks. It doesn’t take more than a few steps near the shore to realize plastics have overtaken the beach."

Source: EHN, 08/16/2024

Protecting Ecologically Rich Alabama Delta From Development, Climate Change

"The Mobile-Tensaw Delta — a lush, vibrant and surprisingly intact over 400-square-mile (1,036-square-kilometer) expanse of cypress swamps, oxbow lakes, marshland, hardwood stands and rivers — is teeming with more aquatic species than almost anywhere in North America."

Source: AP, 08/15/2024


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