Journalism & Media

January 15, 2023

AAJA Scholarship, Internship, Internship Grant and Fellowship Opportunities

The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) offers up to $20,000 in scholarships and grants to journalism students every year. The money can go towards paying a number of things, including tuition and fees, internship costs and living expenses. These opportunities have different deadlines, applications and criteria.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 29, 2022

Freelancing FAQs: An Interactive Workshop

Science Writers and Communicators of Canada is bringing together freelancers from across Canada to share their expertise on everything from finding clients and setting rates, to pitching stories, to managing time effectively. 12-1pm ET. Cost: $15 Members & $30 Non-Members.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 29, 2022

The Climate Lens: A Workshop for Screenwriting in the Age of Climate Change

The Writers Guild of America, East and Good Energy invite you to this virtual workshop demonstrating how, by applying a climate lens, writers can unlock touching, funny and surprising portrayals, from brief mentions to climate themes — all backed by climate science and the emotional and lived realities of the climate crisis. 6-7pm ET.


Journalism Industry Program Supports Reporting on Workers — and Work — in a Warming World

As the economic impacts of climate change intensify, reporting on how individuals are affected, particularly in the Global South, is lagging. Veteran journalist Christine Spolar at The Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting details a new initiative to encourage journalists to fill this gap. The story of recent grantees Bhasker Tripathi and Susan Schulman, who have tracked job losses and migrations tied to climate change in India and Iraq.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Extreme Rainfall Offers Journalists a Deluge of Environment, Climate Stories

The increased frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation presents environmental reporters with challenging coverage of flooding, property damage, insurance shortfalls and risk to human life, as well as about the climate change driving the downpours. The latest TipSheet offers context, story ideas and resources to cover such big storms in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Biden Casts America as Climate Leader and Promises a ‘Low-Carbon Future’"

"President Biden appeared before an overflowing United Nations convention on Friday to reclaim America’s role as a leader on climate change and to stress a renewed U.S. commitment to stop the planet from catastrophic warming."

Source: NYTimes, 11/14/2022


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