Journalism & Media

"EPA Accused Of ‘Egregious’ Misconduct In PFAS Testing Of Pesticides"

"Documents obtained from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate the agency may have presented false information to the public about testing for harmful contaminants in pesticides, according to allegations being made by a watchdog group and a former EPA research fellow."

Source: Guardian, 05/29/2024

‘Exvangelicals’ Memoir Explores Faith-Science Gap

With her new memoir, “The Exvangelicals,” NPR correspondent Sarah McCammon, a one-time, award-winning environmental reporter, may not have written a book directly about environmental issues. Instead, writes BookShelf editor Tom Henry, her highly personal story about religion, science and betrayal offers an important, if indirect, message to those on the environment beat seeking to understand the faith community. Read his review.

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New PFAS Drinking Water Rule Promises Local Stories

New federal regulations governing a group of “forever chemicals” under the Safe Drinking Water Act — a rule years in the making — have important implications for local drinking water supplies and, per the latest TipSheet, local environment reporting. A look at the problem with PFAS, the complicated route to its regulation and more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

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May 31, 2024

FIJ Webinar: Inside the Investigation — Author Rebecca Clarren

Fund for Investigative Journalism recipient Rebecca Clarren shares how she investigated the practice of taking land from Indigenous communities and giving it to white settlers, and turned it into a book. This session will take participants inside Clarren's reporting and identify resources and tips for journalists and students.


Fake Newspapers Fill Gaps Left by Disappearing Real Ones

When corporate, often politicized entities create fake newspapers in communities without their own in order to control the news agenda, it’s called “pink slime news.” And its purveyors have made a significant target of environmental and energy issues, writes WatchDog Opinion. A look at the rise of “fake news” outlets, the decline of real ones and how to fight back.

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