Journalism & Media

Are You Ready for Flood Season?

Flooding is no longer just a local disaster story. As the phenomenon worsens and spreads, it simultaneously raises issues like development, insurance, stormwater management and climate change. The latest TipSheet runs down longer-term angles of flooding, and offers sources and tools to better cover your own flood stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Interior Politicals Remove Climate Change Language From News Release

"On Thursday, a group of scientists, including three working for the U.S. Geological Survey, published a paper that highlighted the link between sea-level rise and global climate change, arguing that previously studies may have underestimated the risk flooding poses to coastal communities."

Source: Washington Post, 05/23/2017

Toolbox: Searching for Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts (SEJ Workshop, Dallas, Apr 2017)

SEJ brought 44 member journalists to Dallas, Texas, April 20-23, 2017 for an expenses-paid workshop to examine the changing landscape of environmental regulation. Attendees heard from top experts in environmental law and the science of communicating to news consumers, as well as receiving training in FOIA, databases and key digital storytelling tools. Here are resources and tools from the workshop to aid you in your reporting. Photo: UC Berkeley prof/linguist George Lakoff; courtesy of Dale Willman.


Working with Leaks and Whistleblowers, Part Two

In the second of a two-part WatchDog TipSheet on the relationship between journalists and whistleblowers, we take a closer look at how to apply basic security measures, the importance of obtaining documents and understanding the legal status of leaked information. And in case you missed it, Part One of the series. 

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 23, 2017

Webcast: Tips to Report on Secretive Private Institutions

During this live National Press Foundation webinar, award-winning reporter Rosalind Adams will share her tips on interviewing techniques and describe how she pried loose documents that were critical to her reporting on how the nation’s largest psychiatric hospital chain achieved profits at the expense of patients.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 17, 2017

Webinar: Fulbright Opportunities in Communications and Journalism

Are you looking for opportunities in the field of communications and journalism? This webinar, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT, will highlight Fulbright opportunities for you, including a general program overview with tips on applying as well as specific award highlights for the 2018-2019 Fulbright U.S. Scholar competition.

Topics on the Beat: 


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