Journalism & Media

Working with Leaks and Whistleblowers, Part One

In the first of a two-part WatchDog TipSheet, we explore the relationship between journalist and anonymous leaker. How to find whistleblowers, build their trust and establish groundrules that work for you. Also, when not to rely on anonymous leaks. Next week: Security, documentation and the law around leaks.

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Topics on the Beat: 

EPA Climate Website Taken Down For Review Was Accurate, Scientists Say

"As the Environmental Protection Agency proceeds with a large-scale update of its website, its climate change site has been taken down, pending review. But several climate scientists contacted by The Post argue that this is unnecessary."

Source: Washington Post, 05/05/2017

EPA Website Removes Climate Science Site From Public View

"The Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday evening that its website would be “undergoing changes” to better represent the new direction the agency is taking, triggering the removal of several agency websites containing detailed climate data and scientific information."

Source: Washington Post, 05/01/2017

New York Times and Times-Picayune: Coastal Reporting Partnership

The new partnership will explore the causes and potentially catastrophic effects of coastal erosion and sea-level rise along the Louisiana coast by combining the resources of The Times-Picayune's Louisiana coastal reporting team, made possible in part by the Fund for Environmental Journalism, a grant-making program of the Society of Environmental Journalists; and The New York Times' climate team. SEJ invites new gifts and grants underwriting new FEJ projects and opportunities.


Reporters Look Under Regulatory Hood at Dallas Workshop

SEJers heard from top experts in environmental law and the science of communicating to news consumers, as well as receiving training in FOIA, databases and key digital storytelling tools at a four-day workshop in Dallas, held alongside Earth Day Texas. Get the highlights in our report from the late April gathering.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Despite Website Message, The EPA Isn't Deleting Its Open Data Website"

"Scientists and data experts are closely tracking the websites of federal agencies, noting changes to pages dealing with climate change and energy since President Donald Trump took office. On Monday, they noticed an alarming message posted to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) open data website, indicating it would shut down on Friday, April 28."

Source: Mashable, 04/25/2017

Data-Driven Journalism Delivers … Mostly

Make sure data-driven reporting fulfills its potential with your environmental coverage. This extensive ToolBox looks at the broader trends in the burgeoning field, then zeros in on best uses for data journalism, spotlights great examples, and shares the resources, reading and helpful sites to get you on your way.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Climate Marches Point Toward Local Climate Stories

Looking for ways to focus on climate change impacts in your area? Dozens of climate marches taking place this Saturday around the United States and the globe may be your opportunity. The latest TipSheet has more, plus info on understanding regional impacts and how states and cities are increasingly in the driver's seat.

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