
Analysis: Whither Transparency Under Trump?

A flap over pool coverage of President-elect Trump may prove a prologue to new challenges for the news media. Will journalists have access to the sources and information needed to do their jobs, including covering coming policy battles over the environment? Our WatchDog editor reads the signals on press relations under a Trump Administration. Photo: By Marc Nozell (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0].

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Donald Trump’s Pick For Interior Secretary Could Do A Lot Of Damage"

"President-elect Donald Trump is just starting to arrange the team that will advise him and implement his policy agenda. But the list of names that have been floated to fill the top job at the Interior Department includes many people who would slash environmental regulations."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/15/2016

Lame Duck Congress Has Energy, Enviro Measures on Menu

As the 114th Congress comes to a close, and the likelihood of a dramatically different approach in the coming Congress, a number of environment and energy bills remain unresolved. Our latest TipSheet looks at prospects for measures on water resources, energy, trade, hunting and more. Image: ©

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump’s Climate Contrarian: Myron Ebell Takes On the E.P.A."

"The mug-shot posters, pasted on walls and lampposts around Paris by an activist group during the United Nations climate talks last year, were hardly flattering. They depicted Myron Ebell, a climate contrarian, as one of seven 'climate criminals' wanted for 'destroying our future.'"

Source: NY Times, 11/14/2016

"Meet Trump's Cabinet-In-Waiting"

"President-elect Donald Trump does not have the traditional cadre of Washington insiders and donors to build out his Cabinet, but his transition team has spent the past several months quietly building a short list of industry titans and conservative activists who could comprise one of the more eclectic and controversial presidential Cabinets in modern history."

Source: Politico, 11/10/2016

Will a New Broom Sweep Enviro-Energy Policy Clean? Tracking the Trump To-Do List

In the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential upset, U.S. environmental and energy policy may undergo dramatic change. SEJournal Online has prepared a reporter’s watchlist of 12 stories with local angles and broad impact, ranging from fossil fuels to renewables, clean air to clean water, and infrastructure to public lands. Read on.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Beyond Fracking — Covering Injection Wells in Your State

 When dangerous liquid wastes are pumped into deep wells, it's the Safe Drinking Water Act's Underground Injection Control program that aims to keep the practice safe. But does it work? Our weekly TipSheet looks beyond fracking to other kinds of injection wells, and shows how you can track stories on the practice in your state.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Dakota Pipeline Protesters Set For 'Last Stand' On Banks Of Missouri R

"Native American protesters are preparing to take a 'last stand' against the Dakota Access pipeline after police raided their camps and arrested hundreds, paving the way for construction of the final stretch of the controversial oil project."

Source: Guardian, 11/01/2016


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