Fish & Fisheries

"Anglers Follow the Bugs to the Trout"

"WARM SPRINGS, Ore. — The sky was not exactly dark in a blotting-out-the-sun sense, but the salmon flies were certainly thick above central Oregon’s Lower Deschutes River. Thousands of female specimens circled 30 feet above the water’s surface, preparing to descend and drop their eggs. Occasionally, a bug would spiral slowly down to the river, flutter awkwardly on the surface, then disappear in a sudden splash."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2013

"Elwha River: Recovery Proceeds Despite Sediment Setbacks"

"One of the two dams on the Elwha River has been completely removed and there are about 50 feet of the remaining Glines Canyon dam left. Already so much sediment has been released that its clogged up and shut down one of the water treatment plants in nearby Port Angeles, temporarily halting the largest dam removal project in U.S. history."

Source: ,
October 11, 2013 to October 13, 2013

ScienceOnline Oceans

The inaugural ScienceOnline Oceans conference will focus on how the internet can be used for collaboration, education and outreach in the marine sciences.


BP's $340 Million To Restore 4 Barrier Islands, Build 2 Fisheries Labs

"Louisiana will receive $340 million from BP in early Natural Resource Damage Assessment money for four projects to restore barrier islands and to finance two coastal science centers, Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday in a news conference in Jean Lafitte. The money comes from $1 billion that BP set aside in 2011 to build early projects to compensate for damages to natural resources resulting from the three-month flow of oil resulting from the blowout of BP's Macondo well in April 2010."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/01/2013


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