Environmental Studies

"Trump Rule Would Exclude Climate Change in Infrastructure Planning

"Federal agencies would no longer have to take climate change into account when they assess the environmental impacts of highways, pipelines and other major infrastructure projects, according to a Trump administration plan that would weaken the nation’s benchmark environmental law."

Source: NY Times, 01/06/2020

‘Red List’ Is Among Top Data Resources on Threatened Species

When it comes to rare species, good news can be equally rare. But that makes their stories all the more compelling to tell. And that’s why our latest Reporter’s Toolbox details a leading database, soon to be updated, called Red List. Plus, other species databases for reporters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"EPA Defends ‘Secret Science’ Rule to House Democrats"

"An EPA official defended the agency’s proposed “secret science” rule, but declined to answer questions about the basis for the rule, which has drawn criticism from environmental groups and other agency watchers."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/14/2019

"E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules"

"The Trump administration is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use to determine public health regulations, overriding protests from scientists and physicians who say the new rule would undermine the scientific underpinnings of government policymaking."

Source: NY Times, 11/12/2019

Dems Wait For Nearly 50 Requests For Trump Info On Science, Environment

"Nearly 50 different Democratic requests for documents have been unanswered by departments and agencies that oversee President Trump’s science and environment policies, lawmakers say, underscoring the brick wall the administration has put up against congressional oversight."

Source: The Hill, 11/04/2019

"Supreme Court: Trump Admin Asks Justices To Keep ESA Records Secret"

"Federal officials yesterday asked the Supreme Court to keep records related to Endangered Species Act decisions under lock and key. The government said a lower court's ruling that certain draft documents should be publicly disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act could have a chilling effect on discussions around federal decisionmaking."

Source: Greenwire, 10/30/2019


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