Environmental Politics

Farm Bill Faces Battle As GOP Pushes To Strip Climate, SNAP Funding

"Congress appears unlikely to pass a new farm bill by the end of this year amid standoffs over Republicans’ push to extend subsidies to three specific Southern crops — at the potential cost of billions in both food aid and popular farm conservation programs."

Source: The Hill, 11/09/2023

Fossil Fuel Interests Have Large, Often Murky, Presence At Climate Talks

"The badges said they were there to participate in negotiations to curb climate change. They stated affiliations like the government of Brazil, Indigenous organi"zations of the Amazon, the Climate Registry. But in reality, the livelihoods of these participants were more aligned with what’s keeping the problem going: fossil fuels."

Source: AP, 11/09/2023

EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water

"The inaction on regulating contaminants — including those that likely cause cancer, reproductive or developmental issues — found in the water of millions of Americans illustrates shortcomings in the U.S. response to environmental threats, say experts."

Source: ProPublica, 11/08/2023

US Chemical Industry Likely Spent $110M To Thwart PFAS Legislation: Study

"The US chemical industry likely spent over $110m during the last two election cycles deploying lobbyists to kill dozens of pieces of PFAS legislation and slow administrative regulation around “forever chemicals”, a new analysis of federal lobbying documents has found."

Source: Guardian, 11/08/2023

Texas Could Spend U.S. Funds Meant To Cut CO2 Emissions On Highway Projects

"The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act required Texas’ transportation agency to create a carbon reduction strategy to get $641 million federal dollars. Critics say the plan is unlikely to meaningfully cut greenhouse gasses from the state’s massive transportation sector."

Source: Texas Tribune, 11/07/2023


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