Environmental Politics

Bioplastics Are Poorly Defined And Regulated, And Possibly Toxic: Report

"The lack of federal regulations and clear definitions for bioplastics make it increasingly difficult to determine whether or not they are a safe alternative to traditional plastics, according to a new report from Beyond Plastics."

Source: EHN, 07/17/2024

"West Virginia School Will Remain Open For Now Amid Toxic Groundwater Fears"

"A small West Virginia school will remain open for now after a court temporarily blocked an effort to relocate classes due to the town’s contaminated groundwater being added to a national cleanup priority list."

Source: AP, 07/16/2024

Federal Oil and Gas Leases in Question as Lawmakers Eye Collusion Allegations

"A dozen Democratic lawmakers on the House Natural Resources Committee want to know if shale drillers could see their oil and gas leases and operations on federal lands suspended amid allegations that the companies may have colluded to drive oil prices up."

Source: DeSmog, 07/16/2024

"Nations Gather To Negotiate Deep Sea Mining Code As Opposition Mounts"

"The United Nations' International Seabed Authority (ISA) will meet on Monday to consider new rules allowing firms to extract minerals from the ocean floor, despite mounting concerns about the economic and environmental risks."

Source: Reuters, 07/16/2024


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