Environmental Politics

"A PR Giant Is Caught Between Climate Pledges and Fossil Fuel Clients"

"After last month’s United Nations-sponsored environmental conference in Glasgow, the public relations giant Edelman praised the participants for reaching “a new level of international consensus that climate change is an existential threat to humanity.”

Source: NYTimes, 12/13/2021

"EPA Stops Posting ‘Critically Important’ Data on Chemical Risks"

"The EPA has all but stopped posting online data about new types of problems commercial chemicals may cause, frustrating public interest groups and businesses that use the information to make health and safety decisions."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/13/2021

Biden OKs More Oil And Gas Drilling Permits On Public Lands Than Trump

"The Biden administration has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands per month than the Trump administration did during the first three years of Donald Trump's presidency, according to an analysis shared exclusively with The Climate 202."

Source: Washington Post, 12/08/2021

Pro-Trump Counties Have Higher COVID Death Rates: Blame Misinformation

"Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic."

Source: NPR, 12/07/2021


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