Environmental Health

April 15, 2011

Green Business Forum at the Green Living Show

Join us as leading businesses and NGOs discuss the environmental impacts of Canada’s resource-based economy at The Green Living Show’s Business Forum in Toronto, Ontario. Gain a better understanding of the key economic and environmental issues from key players who outline their challenges and accomplishments as they seek common ground on goals that often compete — profit and the planet.


"Delay in Coal Pollution Rules Took Toll in Lives"

"That it would take more than 20 years for federal regulators to finally propose toxic emissions standards for the power industry is testament to both the slow wheels of bureaucracy and the clout of the nation’s utility and coal interests, which bitterly — and for years, successfully — fought the controls, even as other industries bowed under."

Source: Green/NYT, 03/21/2011

"Maryland Lab Destroys Documentation On Lead Poisoning Of Children"

"Maryland's health secretary said Friday that his department's laboratory has destroyed test results dating to the 1980s documenting lead poisoning of Maryland children - potentially thousands of records that plaintiffs' lawyers say are crucial to pursuing lawsuits seeking damages on behalf of poisoned children and their families."

Source: Wash Post, 03/15/2011


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