Environmental Health

5-Year Deadline Sought for Ridding NYC Schools of PCBs

"The federal Environmental Protection Agency and the New York City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn, are both calling for replacing school light fixtures that are leaking PCBs in five years or less, putting more pressure on the Bloomberg administration to speed up its planned time line of 10 years."

Source: Green (NYT), 04/13/2011

"GOP Wins Deep Cuts in Environment Spending"

"In negotiating the budget deal that averted a government shutdown, Democrats and the White House claimed a big victory in preventing Republicans from blocking a set of environmental regulations. But as details of the compromise became known Tuesday, it was clear Republicans had won deep reductions in spending at the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 04/13/2011

Baltimore: "Mayor: 'Not Possible' To Pay Lead-Poison Judgments"

"Echoing her housing commissioner, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday that Baltimore's public housing authority has decided 'it is not possible' to pay lead-poisoning judgments that could one day exceed $800 million because the money is needed to improve living conditions for thousands of poor families."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 04/05/2011

GAO To Rebuke CDC for Playing Down Health Risk From Lead In DC Water

"The Government Accountability Office is preparing to issue a report that rebukes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for saying in 2004 that elevated levels of lead in the District’s tap water did not pose a public health threat and for failing to quickly clarify its findings as complaints mounted."

Source: Wash Post, 04/04/2011


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