Environmental Health

Oil Lobby Is Stifling Efforts to Reform Oil Well Cleanup in State After State

"In New Mexico, oil companies agreed to work with regulators to find a solution to the state’s more than 70,000 unplugged wells. After months of negotiations, the industry turned against the bill it helped shape."

Source: ProPublica, 06/25/2024

"Bayer Lobbies Congress To Help Fight Lawsuits Tying Roundup To Cancer"

"The biotech giant Bayer has lobbied Congress over the past year to advance legislation that could shield the company from billions of dollars in lawsuits, part of a national campaign to defeat claims that its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer in people who use it frequently."

Source: Washington Post, 06/24/2024

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Plunder of the Planet

“Pitfall: The Race to Mine the World’s Most Vulnerable Places,” a new work by investigative journalist Christopher Pollon, offers a sweeping global view of how the mining industry profits, despite causing vast environmental losses and failing to acknowledge Indigenous ownership or rights to the land it mines. BookShelf’s Melody Kemp lauds Pollon’s searing observations and investigations. Read her review.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Study Finds 1 In 4 US Residential Yards Exceeds New EPA Lead Soil Limits

"Roughly one in four U.S. households have soil exceeding the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's lead screening levels of 200 parts per million (ppm), halved from the previous level of 400 ppm, a new study found. For households with exposure from multiple sources, the EPA lowered the guidance to 100 ppm; nearly 40% of households exceed that level, the study also found."

Source: AGU, 06/20/2024

Hundreds Died Amid Heat During This Year’s Hajj In Saudi Arabia: Officials

"Hundreds of people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced intense high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Wednesday as people tried to claim their loved ones’ bodies."

Source: AP, 06/20/2024


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