Energy & Fuel

January 17, 2011

DEADLINE: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2011

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria invites applications by Jan. 17, 2011 from graduate students around the world for its June 1-Sep 1, 2011 YSSP. Students will work closely with an IIASA senior scientist mentor on a project proposed by the student. Fellows selected will receive funding to cover travel to IIASA and a modest living allowance.


"Dispute in Pennsylvania Town Highlights EPA’s Coal Ash Dilemma"

Heavy metal-laden coal ash currently can escape EPA regulation if it goes to some "beneficial use." But residents of LaBelle, Pa., are finding that what may be beneficial for utility and mining companies may be harmful to the townspeople's health and environment.

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 12/06/2010

Deficit Panel Would Cut Energy Subsidies and Perhaps Carbon Emissions

"The president's deficit commission proposed slashing energy tax breaks yesterday, a move that could make renewable power more competitive and help chisel down greenhouse gas emissions. But the plan is brimming with political pitfalls and vagueness around whether clean power subsidies might also be axed to curb the nation's rising debt."

Source: ClimateWire, 12/03/2010


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