Energy & Fuel

Safety Board Finds Oil Industry Failing to Learn From Past Disasters

"Independent federal experts investigating the blowout aboard the Deepwater Horizon offshore rig are finding major parallels between this year's disaster and a 2005 blast that killed 15 workers at a BP PLC refinery in Texas -- indicating the industry has failed to overhaul safety rules, they said [Wednesday]."

Source: Greenwire, 12/16/2010

"Permit Process for Coal-Fired Plant in Kansas Draws Criticism"

"For several weeks, nine Kansas state employees have been voluntarily working weekends and late into the night to finish a review of a permit for a power plant. ... And that worries the coal plant’s opponents, who said the extra hours were a clear signal that the state was pushing the permit process too fast."

Source: Kansas City Star, 12/14/2010


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