Energy & Fuel

Group Of 25 US Governors Promises To Install 20 Million Heat Pumps By 2030

"Buildings, particularly older ones and those with poor energy efficiency, account for 31 percent of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. ... On Thursday, the U.S. Climate Alliance, an association of 25 governors of states accounting for half of the country’s population, announced a major move to reduce those emissions, cut utility bills, and create jobs."

Source: Grist, 09/25/2023

"Planned Wildlife Refuge Rule Seen as Weapon Against Oil"

"An expected new rule promoting biological diversity and environmental health within the National Wildlife Refuge System could be used to discourage oil and gas drilling on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, environmentalists say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/25/2023

Midwesterners Lament Lack of Transparency Over Proposed Hydrogen Hub

"Environmentalists and others want specifics on how such a hub would benefit historically polluted communities and help arrest climate change. The Department of Energy plans to help finance as many as 10 across the country."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/22/2023

"United Nations Seems to Boost Plastics Industry Interests, Critics Say"

"Ahead of a groundbreaking treaty to reduce plastic pollution, a group of independent scientists fear that the United Nations is legitimizing industry-backed proposals such as chemical recycling."

Source: ProPublica, 09/21/2023

"Dutch Firms Get Up To $49 Bln Annually In Fossil Fuel Subsidies -Report"

"Industrial companies in the Netherlands get 39 billion to 46 billion euros ($42-49 billion) in tax breaks and subsidies annually for using fossil fuels, the Dutch government said in a report aimed at spurring international debate on such subsidies."

Source: Reuters, 09/20/2023


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