Energy & Fuel

Climate Efforts in Massachusetts Clash With Subsidies For Fossil Fuels

"Massachusetts has ambitious climate goals, and not a lot of time to achieve them, which has some clean energy and climate experts questioning why a state program continues to promote fossil fuels with cash incentives for oil and gas home heating systems."

Source: Boston Globe, 07/12/2021

EPA Approved Toxic Chemicals for Fracking a Decade Ago, New Files Show

"For much of the past decade, oil companies engaged in drilling and fracking have been allowed to pump into the ground chemicals that, over time, can break down into toxic substances known as PFAS — a class of long-lasting compounds known to pose a threat to people and wildlife — according to internal documents from the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: NYTimes, 07/12/2021

"No, A Tanker Full Of Fossil Fuels Isn’t 'Carbon Neutral.'"

"Shell recently announced a special 'carbon neutral' shipment of fracked gas to Europe. Although there’s nothing unique about the liquified natural gas, Shell and its supplier, Cheniere, are somehow marketing the shipping of fossil fuels as carbon neutral. You can’t make this up."

Source: CleanTechnica, 07/08/2021

Canadian Governments Spent $23 Billion Supporting 3 Pipelines Since 2018

"A new report finds Canadian governments have provided billions to support pipelines — none of which have been completed to date — even as experts worry pipelines themselves undermine progress on climate goals".

Source: The Narwhal, 07/07/2021

Oil Firm's Plan To Abandon 1,700 Gulf Wells Risks 'Environmental Disaster'

"A Houston oil company that grew into one of the largest producers in the Gulf of Mexico before going bust last year is planning to abandon hundreds of oil wells and pipelines it acquired over the last decade, potentially adding to the fast-growing tangle of neglected oil and gas infrastructure off the Louisiana coast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 07/06/2021


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