Energy & Fuel

US Will Miss EV Targets Without Big Investments in Chip-Making: Raimondo

"The United States won’t meet the Biden administration’s goal of widespread electric-vehicle adoption without urgent investment in domestic semiconductor manufacturing, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said."

Source: Washington Post, 11/30/2021

Calif.’s Failed First Plan To Stop Offshore Drilling Casts Shadow Today

"Offshore oil derricks dotting the California coastline continue pumping despite a history of catastrophic spills and vows from generations of politicians to send them to the scrapheap. They’ve even survived a modest attempt by state officials more than a decade ago to offer incentives to oil companies that chose to abandon their costly operations."

Source: LA Times, 11/30/2021

"Nurdles: The Worst Toxic Waste You’ve Probably Never Heard Of"

"Billions of these tiny plastic pellets are floating in the ocean, causing as much damage as oil spills, yet they are still not classified as hazardous".

Source: Guardian, 11/30/2021

Biden Gulf Oil Sale Means More Drilling Within Legacy Chemical Dump Site

"The Biden administration’s oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico last week doesn’t just lock in decades of future drilling and greenhouse gas emissions, it also opens up more extraction in an area where chemical companies dumped tons of hazardous industrial waste."

Source: HuffPost, 11/30/2021

Regulator Gives TVA Approval To Bury Coal Ash In Southeast Memphis

"The Tennessee Valley Authority received the final regulatory approval it needs to remove tons of coal ash from ponds in Southwest Memphis and transport them along Shelby Drive to a landfill in Southeast Memphis."

Source: AP, 11/29/2021

"Interior Dept. Report on Drilling Is Mostly Silent on Climate Change"

"The department recommended higher fees for oil and gas leases, but there was no sign the government planned to take global warming into account when weighing new applications."

Source: NYTimes, 11/29/2021

"These Americans Are Just Going Around in Circles. It Helps the Climate."

"CARMEL, Ind. — It’s getting harder and harder to run a stoplight here, because there are fewer and fewer of them around. Every year, at intersections throughout this thriving city, traffic lights and stop signs have disappeared, replaced with roundabouts. Lots and lots of roundabouts."

Source: NYTimes, 11/24/2021

"Giant Pipeline In U.S. Midwest Tests Future Of Carbon Capture"

"Dan Tronchetti received a letter in August that alarmed him: Summit Carbon Solutions, a company he'd never heard of, wanted his permission to conduct survey work for a 2,000-mile pipeline it planned to route through his Iowa corn and soybean fields."

Source: Reuters, 11/24/2021


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