
July 12, 2011 to July 14, 2011

5th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning

The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning in the UK builds upon a series that started in 2003 in Skiathos (Greece) and evolved to another three conferences in Bologna (2005), the Algarve (2007) and Cyprus (2009). The conference addresses the subject of regional development in an integrated way as well as in accordance with the principles of sustainability.


"Did BP's Oil-Dissolving Chemical Make the Spill Worse?"

"BP succeeded in sinking the oil from its blown well out of sight — and keeping much of it away from beaches and marshes last year — by dousing the crude with nearly 2 million gallons of toxic chemicals. But the impact on the ecosystem as a whole may have been more damaging than the oil alone."

Source: Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 06/03/2011


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