Climate Change

Climate Guru Hansen Warns Of Much Worse Than Expected Sea Level Rise

"The current rate of global warming could raise sea levels by “several meters” over the coming century, rendering most of the world’s coastal cities uninhabitable and helping unleash devastating storms, according to a paper published by James Hansen, the former NASA scientist who is considered the father of modern climate change awareness."

Source: Guardian, 03/22/2016

As Climate Heats Up, Arctic Residents Struggle To Keep Their Homes

"In the spring, after the permafrost thaws and the ground settles, Wilson Andrew Sr takes a wrench to the metal pilings that hold up the foundation of his house in Atmautluak, Alaska, and makes it level again. He cranks the screws until the foundation flattens out, level with the ground. At least for now."

Source: Guardian, 03/16/2016

"Antarctica’s Ice Is Being Carved Up From Below"

"Two years ago, a pair of scientific studies documented that the glaciers of West Antarctica, which hold back over 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) of potential sea level rise, are melting and retreating from below. The cause? It appears that these glaciers, which are perched on the seafloor deep below the ocean surface, are being lapped at by flows of warm ocean currents."

Source: Wash Post, 03/16/2016


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