Climate Change

CDC: 2600% Increase in Tick-Borne Babesiosis Infections in Wisconsin

"It is not just a bad summer for ticks — it has been a bad decade for the spread of tick-borne infections. New surveillance from the CDC reports rapid expansion and increase in cases of babesiosis, a sometimes life-threatening disease, in Wisconsin."

Source: Invisiverse, 07/07/2017

"Climate, Poverty Woes Fuel BLM Rule Debate In N.M. Gas Patch"

"GOBERNADOR, N.M. — Desert sand crunches beneath Don Schreiber's boots as he approaches a gas well on his sprawling ranch in the heart of the San Juan Basin. The equipment is painted yellow and green to blend in with the scrub. But there's no hiding the odor of rotting eggs that wafts across the arid terrain."

Source: EnergyWire, 07/06/2017

"2 New Studies Undermine Climate Denial Arguments"

"Two new studies published this month are helping resolve lingering differences between what climate models have predicted and what actual measurements have recorded. In doing so, they undermine two of the timeworn arguments used by those who question the prevailing scientific consensus on global warming."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/06/2017

‘Our Culture Is Dying’: Rising Waters Menace More Than Land In Louisiana

"THIBODAUX, Louisiana --  Louise St. Pierre paints pictures of shacks and swamps on the insides of oyster shells – tiny scenes of Cajun culture she sees washing away amid the rising saltwater and periodic floods inundating southern Louisiana."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn, 07/06/2017

"Jerry Brown to Announce a Climate Summit Meeting in California"

"On Thursday evening, Governor Brown will mount a new challenge to the administration on climate change. In a videoconference address to a global citizen festival in Hamburg, Germany, where President Trump and other officials will negotiate wording of a statement on the Paris climate change accord, Governor Brown will issue a sweeping invitation to a global 'climate action' summit meeting in San Francisco."

Source: NY Times, 07/06/2017

"With a Tick Boom, It’s Not Just Lyme Disease You Have to Fear"

"Everybody knows about Lyme disease. But experts say the Northern United States may be in for a bad tick season this summer, raising concerns about Lyme and other scary tick-borne diseases, including the Powassan virus, which causes encephalitis and can leave people with permanent neurological damage."

Source: NY Times, 07/05/2017


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