Climate Change

"FERC Approves Power Plant Rules To Fight Extreme Weather"

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved new rules Thursday to help protect the electricity system during severe winter weather, but grid experts said more action is needed to prevent deadly power outages like those that occurred during Winter Storm Uri."

Source: E&E News, 02/21/2023
March 16, 2023

SJN Climate Primer / Carbon Dioxide Removal

Solutions Journalism Network invites journalists covering climate change or clean energy to join one or all of three one-hour webinar training sessions on Carbon Dioxide Removal, with a focus on CDR science and separating the solutions from greenwashing. 3:00 p.m. ET, Feb 23, Mar 9 and Mar 16.


Group Is Spreading Misinformation To Stop Solar Projects In Rural America

"Roger Houser's ranching business was getting squeezed. The calves he raises in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley were selling for about the same price they had a few years earlier, while costs for essentials like fuel and fertilizer kept going up. But Houser found another use for his 500 acres."

Source: Floodlight/NPR, 02/20/2023

"Scientists Examine Dangerous Global Warming ‘Accelerators’"

"Recent climate projections may be underestimating the pace of global warming in an atmosphere damaged by greenhouse gas emissions, because the interaction of powerful climate feedback loops that can accelerate warming are not well-represented in key climate models, an international team of scientists concluded in a study published today in the journal One Earth. "

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/20/2023


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