Planning & Growth

Rebuilding After Wildfire? States Don't Require Fire-Resistant Materials

"After record-breaking wildfires this year, thousands of people across the West are still clearing piles of charred debris where their homes once stood in the hope of rebuilding their lives. ... But most states don't require rebuilding with fire-resistant materials, an NPR analysis has found."

Source: NPR, 11/30/2020

"Disasters: Old Building Codes Put Millions Of Homes At Risk — FEMA"

"Millions of homes are being built in communities with archaic building codes, leaving them vulnerable to flooding, hurricane winds and earthquakes, according to a groundbreaking new federal report that links out-of-date building codes to billions of dollars in property damage."

Source: E&E News, 11/25/2020

How Much Longer Will Insurers Cover Wildfire Loss Near You?

With wildfire exploding across the West this season, it may not be long before insurance companies worried about houses built along the wildland-urban interface try to raise premiums or drop policies altogether. It’s already happening in California, which is pushing back. Will it happen in your region as well? TipSheet has the backstory, plus a range of reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Climate Impacts: U.S. Migrants On The Move Due To Warming"

"Climate migration in America is no longer about small, isolated communities pulling up stakes to avoid floods, wildfires or rising seas. Physically moving to reduce climate risk is becoming mainstream, experts say, even if climate migrants don't acknowledge warming as a driver of their relocation decisions."

Source: E&E News, 10/16/2020
September 25, 2020

Scaling Climate Policies and New Financing for High Biodiversity Areas

Under2° Coalition/ The Climate Group, The State Government of Querétaro and Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda invite you to this online Climate Week NYC event, 10:00 a.m.-Noon ET. There will be Spanish/English interpretation channels available.


"Environmental Justice Becomes Part of California City Planning"

"More than 140 cities and counties in California intend to update their long-term plans over the next two years to include environmental justice, meaning air pollution, water quality, and other factors affecting disadvantaged communities would get a closer look."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/27/2020


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