
Senators Hopeful They Can Keep Rail Safety Bill On Track After E Palestine

"Three months after the devastating East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment, senators are optimistic they can pass a bipartisan rail safety bill to prevent similar disasters."

Source: The Hill, 05/04/2023

"Toxic Vinyl Chloride Is A Widespread Environmental Injustice"

"Vinyl chloride, the cancer-causing chemical released in the February train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, contaminates many communities in the U.S. due to pollution from plastics manufacturing plants, according to a new report."

Source: EHN, 05/03/2023

Enviros Want FTC Green Guides to Shun ‘Chemical’ Recycling of Plastic Waste

"The plastics industry says heating and treating plastic waste with chemicals enables it to make new plastics. But environmentalists say that process, emitting large amounts of climate and air pollution, isn’t recycling and isn’t green."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/03/2023

"Outrage Over Fresh Chemical Leak At Shell Plastics Plant"

"When Shell Chemical Appalachia announced the start of a massive plastics manufacturing facility last November in western Pennsylvania, [it] ... touted the company’s “strong and innovative safety focus.” But now, just six months later, the plant has been the site of multiple malfunctions, including the leakage of benzene, a known carcinogen, along with other pollutants last month."

Source: The New Lede, 05/03/2023

"Orbiting Methane ‘Speed Cameras’ Are Catching Polluters in the Act"

"Think of them as speed cameras, but for methane. Just like roadside instruments used to identify drivers breaking traffic rules, new powerful satellites are starting to catch oil and gas operators releasing the planet-warming gas into the atmosphere."

Source: Bloomberg Green, 05/02/2023

EPA and Texas Ignored Warnings at Chemical Site. Then an Inferno Erupted.

"Regulators repeatedly documented — but did little to address — problems at a Houston-area tank farm before a disastrous fire struck in March 2019. The fire released toxic chemicals into nearby communities for weeks."

Source: Public Health Watch, 04/28/2023

Ex-Federal Officials Slam WHO For Misleading Guidance On ‘Forever Chemicals’

"The World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft drinking water guidelines for “forever chemicals” disregard best available science and require extensive revisions, two former federal officials argued in a new position paper."

Source: The Hill, 04/27/2023

"EPA Solvent Rule Said to Signal Hurdles Ahead for US Industries"

"The EPA’s recent proposal to limit a potentially deadly solvent’s use and production signals challenges for diverse industries as the agency prepares to release more rules restricting widely used chemicals, according to an industry attorney."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/26/2023

Amid Fires, Calif. Scientists Probe How Smoke Affects Pregnancy and Children

"When wildfires spread through parts of Northern California wine country in 2017, they melted electronics, combusted cars and exploded propane tanks. The fires sent acrid smoke billowing into the sky, its footprint wafting over the state and extending for 500 miles into the Pacific Ocean."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/26/2023


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