
EPA’s Fast-Track Approval Process for Pesticides Raises Health Concerns

U.S. pesticide law allows EPA to approve pesticides for use under "conditional registration" -- before scientists know whether they will harm human health or the environment. Critics say the loophole is overused and abused, allowing EPA to ignore health threats.

"Good News/Bad News: Some Phthalates Down, Some Up"

"Scientists have documented for the first time that several phthalates -- controversial chemicals used to make vinyl and fragrances -- are declining in people while several others are rising. The study, published today, is the first comprehensive, nationwide attempt to document trends in exposure to these widely used chemicals over the past decade."

Source: EHN, 01/15/2014

Some Ky. Residents Found With High Arsenic Levels, Screenings Show

"Medical screenings have found high arsenic levels in at least two of the more than 50 residents tested near Louisville’s contaminated Black Leaf industrial site, the scene of Kentucky’s largest residential environmental cleanup ever."

Source: Louisville Courier-Journal, 01/10/2014


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