
"Health Officials Kill Proposal To Curb Mercury Dental Fillings"

"Senior U.S. health officials have squelched a Food and Drug Administration proposal that for the first time would have curbed dentists’ use of mercury – one of the planet’s nastiest toxins because it attacks the central nervous system – in treating Americans’ decayed teeth."

Source: McClatchy, 07/22/2015

"Lead Poisoning Is Still A Public Health Crisis For African-Americans"

"Before Freddie Gray died of spinal injuries he received in police custody, sparking weeks of protest in his native Baltimore and around the country, he was a 'lead kid,' one of thousands of children in the city with toxic levels of lead in their blood from years of living in substandard housing -- and long-term health problems as a result."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/14/2015


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