Bees Face ‘Perfect Storm’ — Parasites, Air Pollution and Other Threats
"A collection of threats — habitat loss, pathogens, pesticides, pollution and poor nutrition — have led to widespread decline in bee health and pollinator populations."
"A collection of threats — habitat loss, pathogens, pesticides, pollution and poor nutrition — have led to widespread decline in bee health and pollinator populations."
"When Claudia Angulo was pregnant with her son, she often felt nauseated and experienced vomiting and headaches."
"Democrats and Republicans are each accusing the other of holding up a bill to ban asbestos that had been expected to pass with little controversy this week."
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday finalized a rule that could reclassify many “major” sources of pollution as minor ones, allowing facilities to abide by less-stringent emissions standards for dangerous substances such as mercury, lead and arsenic."
"The EPA has failed to regulate or review two fragrance ingredients considered to be among the most hazardous chemicals in production—and among those Congress directed the agency to address faster than any others."
"A new cocktail of enzymes that speeds up the degradation of plastic offers a step forward in finding a new form of recycling that is faster, is more affordable and works on a larger scale than current methods, British and American researchers said this week."
"The EPA is touting the number of contaminated Superfund sites removed from its priority list—even as newly proposed sites and sites awaiting funding continue to pile up."
"Lockheed Martin Corp. facility in Orlando is accused of mishandling hazardous toxins, releasing contaminates into soil and groundwater, according to a personal and class-action lawsuit filed by the personal injury law firm Morgan and Morgan."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to overhaul the way communities test their water for lead, a policy change that will be pitched ahead of Election Day as a major environmental achievement for a president not noted for his conservation record."
"The Obama administration directed the EPA to focus on climate-related threats. Now, the Trump administration refuses to even use the word."