
"EPA Chief Trumpeting ‘Misleading’ Superfund Metrics, Critics Say"

"The EPA is touting the number of contaminated Superfund sites removed from its priority list—even as newly proposed sites and sites awaiting funding continue to pile up."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/30/2020

Lockheed Orlando Facility Accused Of Mishandling Toxic Chemicals In Suit

"Lockheed Martin Corp. facility in Orlando is accused of mishandling hazardous toxins, releasing contaminates into soil and groundwater, according to a personal and class-action lawsuit filed by the personal injury law firm Morgan and Morgan."

Source: ClickOrlando, 09/29/2020

"EPA to Promote Lead Testing Rule as Trump Tries to Burnish His Record"

"The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to overhaul the way communities test their water for lead, a policy change that will be pitched ahead of Election Day as a major environmental achievement for a president not noted for his conservation record."

Source: NYTimes, 09/28/2020

"EPA Rejects Its Own Findings That a Pesticide Harms Children’s Brains"

"The Trump administration has rejected scientific evidence linking the pesticide chlorpyrifos to serious health problems, directly contradicting federal scientists’ conclusions five years ago that it can stunt brain development in children."

Source: NYTimes, 09/24/2020

"In Arkansas, Backlash Against Pesticide Regulation Gets Personal"

"Twice in the past two months, vandals have struck Terry Fuller's farm, destroying tractor engines and burning stacks of hay. Each attack came immediately after Fuller appeared before Arkansas's state legislature on behalf of a state agency that's investigating farmers suspected of illegally using a herbicide called dicamba. Fuller doesn't think it's a coincidence."

Source: NPR, 09/24/2020

EPA Questions Science Linking Pesticide To Brain Damage In Children

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday diminished studies linking a widely-used pesticide associated with brain damage in children, a move that could enable years of continued use of controversial chlorpyrifos."

Source: The Hill, 09/23/2020


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